$1.9 Million - Apartment Fire Victim | Brian Mahoney | Premises Liability |
$1.9 Million Verdict - Toxic Tort Victims | Brian Mahoney | Premises Liability |
$550,000 Recovery - Unlicensed Electrician | Brian Mahoney | Premises Liability |
$386,000 Recovery - Factory Worker Injured by Industrial Shear | Brian Mahoney | Product Liability |
$375,000 Recovery - Worker Who Fell from Aircraft Cargo Loader | Brian Mahoney | Product Liability |
$325,000 Recovery - Industrial Blender Case | Brian Mahoney | Product Liability |
$300,000 Recovery - Employer's "Intentional Wrong" Setting | Brian Mahoney | Product Liability |
$200,000 Recovery - Miter Saw Victim | Brian Mahoney | Product Liability |
$28.6 Million Verdict - Medical Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$14,596,000 Jury Verdict - Chiropractic Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$14,500,000.00 Confidential Settlement – Medical Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$12.7 Million Verdict - Failure to Report Abnormal Ultrasound Results | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$11,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Resulting in Loss of Legs | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$8,250,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Birth Defects Prenatally | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$8 Million Recovery - Cerebral Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$7,700,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Conditions Post-Operatively | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$6.5 Million Settlement - Birth Injury / Cerebral Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$5,900,000 Settlement - Improperly Discontinued Antibiotic Therapy | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$5,450,000 Settlement - Improper Surgical Technique | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$5.2 Million Verdict - Hospital Unprepared for Emergency Caesarean | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$5 Million Settlement - Case Against a Drug Company | Carol Forte | Product Liability |
$5 Million Settlement - C-Section Delay | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$5,000,000.00 Verdict – Carol Forte - Circumcision Injury | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$4,600,000 Jury Verdict - Failure to Timely Diagnose Choriocarcinoma | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$3.95 Million Dollar Settlement - Birth Injury | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$3,750,000 Settlement - Failure to Prenatally Diagnose Brain Abnormality in a Fetus | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$3.5 Million Dollar Recovery - Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$3,500,000 Settlement - Brachial Plexus Injury During Birth / Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$3,300,000 Settlement - Surgical Error and Negligent Nursing | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$3,250,000.00 - Carol Forte - Birth Injury - Improper Pre Natal Care | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$3.1 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Spinal Fracture | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$3.017 Million Settlement - Medical Negligence at Monmouth Medical | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$3 Million Settlement - Failure to Provide Adequate Care to a Baby Born Prematurely | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$2,975,000 Settlement - Hazardous Condition of a Raquetball Court | Carol Forte | Premises Liability |
$2.8 Million Settlement - Failure To Monitor Cardiac Medication | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2,700,000 Settlement - Improper Treatment of Hyponatremia | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2.6 Million Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2.5 Million Settlement - Delayed Birth / Cerebral Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$2,250,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose MRSA Infection | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2.2 Million Recovery During Trial - Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2.15 Million Award - Failure to Test Detect Signs of Fetal Distress | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$2.132 Million Recovery - Negligently Performed Back Surgery | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2 Million Settlement - Radiologist Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Lung Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Treat Cardiac Abnormality in Utero | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2 Million Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Cervical Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Thymoma | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.95 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Impending Stroke | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.95 Million Verdict - Birth Injury | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1,940,000 Settlement - Medication Error / Stevens Johnson Syndrome | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,930,000 Settlement - Birth Injury / Cerebral Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1.9 Million Settlement - New Jersey Obstetrician | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1,900,000 Settlement - Sciatic Nerve Injury During Hip Replacement | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.85 Million Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,825,000 Settlement - Failure to Properly Diagnose Cardiac Condition | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.8 Million Settlement - Sexual Assault at ATM / Inadequate Security | Carol Forte | Premises Liability |
$1,600,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose & Treat Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.6 Million Settlement - Birth Injury | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1.5 Million Settlement - Undetected Birth Defect Case | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1.5 Million Settlement - Ultrasound Reading Fails to Detect Twins | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose & Treat Pulmonary Embolism | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose & Treat Bleeding | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.5 Million Jury Verdict - Gastroenterologist Medical Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Sciatic Nerve Injury During Hip Surgery | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.45 Million Settlement - Failure to Detect Heart Condition | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1.42 Million Settlement - Delayed C-Section | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1.4 Million Jury Verdict - Doctor Ignores Pregnant Woman's Stroke | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,350,000 Settlement - Product Liability / Wrongful Death / Metabolife | Carol Forte | Product Liability |
$1.3 Million Settlement - Cerebral Palsy Caused by Negligence of Obstetricians and Pediatrician | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.25 Million Settlement - Child's Brachial Plexus Injury Incurred at Birth | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1,250,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall / Wrongful Death | Carol Forte | Premises Liability |
$1,250,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Sepsis | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,200,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Addison's Disease | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,200,000 Settlement - Medical Equipment Failure | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1.1 Settlement - Improper Treatment for Respiratory Problems | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,100,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Leukemia | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Traumatic Birth Injury / Brain Injury | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Perform a Timely Breast Ultrasound | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Post-Bariatric Surgery Infection | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Monitor Intraoperatively During Spine Surgery | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Wrongful Birth / Failure to Discern Medical History | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Nerve Damage | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Settlement - Schoolteacher's Heart Attack Misdiagnosed | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Negligently Performed Sinus Surgery | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose and Treat Kidney Disease | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Million Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Endocarditis | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Tumor/Delay in Treatment | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Dollar Settlement - Failure to Order Testing and Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Cervical Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$997,500 Settlement - Surgical Error Resulting in Permanent Colostomy | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$975,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Brain Tumor | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$975,000 Settlement - Erb's Palsy / Shoulder Dystocia | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$950,000 Jury Verdict - Brachial Plexus Injury During Birth / Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$950,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$900,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$900,000 Settlement - Woman's Death Following D&C | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$875,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Cervical Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$850,000 Settlement - Negligent Postoperative Care & Treatment | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Post-Bariatric Surgery Vitamin Deficiency | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Doctor's Oversight in Surgery | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Jury Verdict - Lack of Informed Consent | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Settlement - Failure to Order Appropriate Follow-up | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Settlement - Misdiagnosis of Uterine Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia and Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$750,000 Settlement - Damaged Nerve During Lymph Node Biopsy | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$725,000 & $550,000 Settlements - Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$725,000 Settlement - Wrongful Death of a Newborn | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$725,000 Settlement - Cervical Cancer Undetected | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$700,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$700,000 Settlement - Failure to Perform a Timely Breast Biopsy | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$700,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia and Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$700,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$682,500 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$650,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$575,000 Settlement - Improper Surgical Technique During Hip Replacement | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$545,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Breast Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Negligent Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair Surgery | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Fetal Hypoxia | Carol Forte | Birth Injury |
$475,000 Settlement - Failure to Properly Administer Blood Thinners Postoperatively | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$458,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Lung Cancer | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$285,000 Jury Award - Doctors Negligent in ERCP Case | Carol Forte | Medical Malpractice |
$1,600,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Treat Lung Cancer | Cynthia Craig | Medical Malpractice |
$550,000 Settlement - Surgical Negligence | Cynthia Craig | Medical Malpractice |
$400,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Cervical Injury | Cynthia Craig | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Scalp Laceration | Cynthia Craig | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$7 Million Settlement - Aviation Accident Resulting in Paralysis | David Fried | Product Liability |
$6,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Surgical Abdomen | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$3,650,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$2.75 Million Settlement - Inadequate Security Resulting in Assault | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$2,515,000 Settlement - Motorcycle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2.3 Million Settlement - Failure to Timely Treat Hemorrhaging | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$1,650,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.52 Million Settlement - Elevator Accident | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Failure to Properly Treat Hyponatremia | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$1,400,000 Settlement - Ironworker Falls from Second Story | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$1.37 Million Settlement - Fatal Blast Suit | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$1.325 Million Settlement - Scissor Lift Accident | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$1,275,000 Confidential Settlement - Medical Malpractice | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$1,250,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Colon Cancer | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$1.05 Million Verdict - Erb's Palsy Injury | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$1,050,000 Settlement - Negligent Repair of Motor Vehicle | David Fried | Product Liability |
$1 Million Settlement - Negligence in Anesthesia Administration | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$995,000 Settlement - Bicycle Accident Causing Traumatic Brain Injury | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$950,000 Settlement - Fall from Defective Shopping Cart | David Fried | Product Liability |
$950,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Lung Cancer | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$950,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Failure to Provide Safety Equipment | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$910,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose and Treat Sepsis | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$900,000 Settlement - Ironworker Death | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$900,000 Settlement - Child with Development Delays | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$800,000 Settlement - Brachial Plexus Injury / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$790,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$750,000 Settlement - Negligence in Anesthesia Administration | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Wrongful Death | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$730,000 Settlement - Electrocution at Construction Site / Wrongful Death | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$700,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Van Collision | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$700,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$700,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$690,000 Settlement - Failure to Properly Treat Hypertension | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$670,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$660,000 Settlement - Brachial Plexus Injury During Birth / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$650,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia at Birth | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$650,000 Settlement - Brachial Plexus Injury During Birth / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$650,000 Settlement - Negligently Performed Surgery | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$650,000 Settlement - Construction Worker Injured by Work-Site Cave-in | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$645,000 Settlement - Construction Accident Wrongful Death | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$635,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Leukemia | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$600,000 Settlement - Construction Accident Wrongful Death | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$585,000 Settlement - Facial Palsy | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$585,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Negligent Operation of a Crane | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$575,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose and Treat Kidney Dysfunction | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$560,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Product Liability | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$550,000 Settlement - Failure to Properly Protect Airway During Cystoscopy | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$550,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$540,000 Settlement - Preoperative, Surgical and Postoperative Negligence | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$525,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Elevator Malfunction Injures Woman's Back | David Fried | Product Liability |
$490,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$485,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning / Neurological Impairment | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$475,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$475,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Automobile Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning / Brain Injury | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$450,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$450,000 Settlement - Improper Delivery of Baby | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$450,000 Settlement - Daycare Negligence / SIDS | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$450,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Head Trauma | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$425,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$415,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$405,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$400,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia Injury | David Fried | Birth Injury |
$400,000 Settlement - Unnecessary Colonoscopy | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$400,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$365,000 Settlement - Truck Accident / Driver Fell Asleep | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$355,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$350,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Tractor-Trailer | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$350,000 Settlement - Motorcycle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$335,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Watercraft | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$325,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Aortic Aneurysm | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$315,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall | David Fried | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Wrongful Death | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Disrepair | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | David Fried | On The Job Injuries |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident Causing Shoulder Injury | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$265,000 Settlement - Facial Scars in Auto Collision | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$260,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | David Fried | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Public Beach Drowning / Lifeguard Negligence | David Fried | Premises Liability |
Adoptive Parents' Wrongful Death Lawsuit | David Fried | Medical Malpractice |
$25 Million Settlement - Highest Personal Injury Recovery in NJ State History | Firm | Premises Liability |
$14 Million Verdict - Wrongful Birth / Failure to Test for Thalassemia | Firm | Birth Injury |
$11.175 Million Settlements - Five Cases for Occupants Injured in Unsafe Cars | Firm | Product Liability |
$7,982,298.80 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$7,250,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose & Treat Pneumothorax | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$7 Million Jury Verdict - Sends a Loud Message to Bicycle Manufacturers | Firm | Product Liability |
$5.5 Million Settlement - Child Burned by Bathwater | Firm | Premises Liability |
$5 Million Jury Verdict - Negligent Postoperative Care / Brain Injury | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$4.8 Million Settlement - Seriously Burned Victim | Firm | Product Liability |
$4.6 Million Settlement - Railroad Accident | Firm | Premises Liability |
$4.5 Million Settlement - Forceps Delivery Case | Firm | Birth Injury |
$3.9 Million Settlement - Chemical Pump Explodes | Firm | Product Liability |
$3.84 Million Verdict - Doctors Did Not Properly Monitor Fetus | Firm | Birth Injury |
$3,700,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Spine Condition | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$3.7 Million Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Spinal Hematoma | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$3.5 Million Settlement - Dangerous Theospan | Firm | Defective Medical Device Injuries |
$3.25 Million Settlement - Bicycle Case | Firm | Product Liability |
$3.13 Million Recovery - Leg Amputations Following Kidney Infection | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$3,000,000 Settlement - Wrongful Birth / Failure to Diagnose Prenatal Condition | Firm | Birth Injury |
$2.8 Million Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$2,750,000 Settlement - Failure to Perform a Timely Caesarean Section | Firm | Birth Injury |
$2.75 Million Settlement - Family of Jayson Williams Shooting Victim | Firm | Premises Liability |
$2.75 Million Settlement - Negligent Hospital Administration | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$2,700,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Thalassemia | Firm | Birth Injury |
$2.5 Million Jury Verdict - Wrongful Birth / Failure to Detect Spina Bifida | Firm | Birth Injury |
$2.5 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Malignant Spinal Tumor Case | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$2,438,000 Settlement - Negligent Design at Electrical Substation | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$2.25 Million Verdict - Birth Injury | Firm | Birth Injury |
$2.25 Million Settlement - Failure to Prenatally Diagnose Facial Structural Abnormalities | Firm | Birth Injury |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Anesthesia Malpractice / Wrongful Death | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Negligent Hospital Administration and Surgical Malpractice | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$2 Million Settlement - Construction Site Accident | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$1.95 Million Settlement - Scalded Infant | Firm | Premises Liability |
$1.95 Million Settlement - Burn Injuries | Firm | Premises Liability |
$1,900,000 Settlement - Emergency Room Negligence | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1,875,000 Settlement - Defective Design of Passenger Compartment | Firm | Product Liability |
$1.8 Million Consent Judgment - Product Liability | Firm | Product Liability |
$1.8 Million Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.775 Million Jury Verdict / Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Aortic Rupture | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1.765 Million Settlement - Auto Accident Involving Commercial Vehicle | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.75 Million Settlement - Automobile Accident Victim | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,750,000 Settlement - Prenatal Testing / Wrongful Birth | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1.75 Million Settlement - Electrocution Injury to Railroad Worker | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$1.75 Million Jury Verdict - TMJ Surgery Worsens Woman's Condition | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1,750,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Trucking Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,700,000 Settlement at Trial - Inadequate Hotel Security: Shooting | Firm | Premises Liability |
$1.7 Million Settlement - EKG Misread and Woman Dies | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1,665,000 Jury Verdict - Failure to Diagnose Allergy | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1.65 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Stomach Cancer | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1.6 Million Settlement - Worker Killed by Toxic Gases | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$1.6 Million Jury Verdict - Suicide Leap Could Have Been Prevented | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1,505,665.75 Jury Verdict - Bus Accident / Wrongful Death | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.5 Million - Truck Accident / Failure to Turn on Parking Lights | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.5 Million Settlement - Misplaced PICC Line | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Wrongful Birth/Failure to Diagnose Down Syndrome | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1,475,000 Settlement - Dump Truck Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.43 Million Settlement - Construction Site Injury | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$1,250,000 Confidential Settlement - Negligent Anesthesiological Care | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1.25 Million Recovery - Baby Who Suffers from Canavan Disease | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1.25 Million Settlement - Medical Malpractice in Back Surgery | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1.25 Million Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Brachial Plexus Birth Injury | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1.225 Million Settlement - Ford SUV Rollover Accident | Firm | Product Liability |
$1.225 Million Settlement - Child with Fragile X Syndrome | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1,200,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Struck by Bus | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.2 Million Settlement - Birth Defect Injury | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1,190,000 Settlement - Fatal NJ Turnpike Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.1 Million Settlement - Negligent Neonatal Care After Birth | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1,050,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Diabetes | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Negligent Cancer Screening by Osteopath and Surgeon | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Surgical / Splenic Artery Aneurysm | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - "Right to Terminate" Case | Firm | Birth Injury |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Defective Roof and Seatbelt Design / SUV Rollover | Firm | Product Liability |
$950,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice / Pneumonia | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$950,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | Firm | Birth Injury |
$950,000 Confidential Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Compartment Syndrome | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$950,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia Birth Injury / Erb's Palsy | Firm | Birth Injury |
$950,000 Settlement - Failure to Heed Results of Blood Tests | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$950,000 Settlement - Defective Seatbelt Design / Ejection | Firm | Product Liability |
$935,000 Settlement - Premises Liability | Firm | Premises Liability |
$925,000 Settlement - Trauma Care Malpractice | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$900,000 Settlement - Boy Who Was Born with Thalassemia Major | Firm | Birth Injury |
$900,000 Settlement - Bus Accident Head Injuries | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$890,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice / Wrongful Death | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$860,000 Settlement - Emergency Room and Internist Malpractice / Aortic Dissection | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$850,000 Settlement - Automobile Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$800,000 Jury Verdict - Unnecessary Operations | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease Case | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Pediatrician Who Failed to Diagnose Hydrocephalus | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$785,000 Settlement - Defective Ladder Injury | Firm | Product Liability |
$700,000 Settlement - Failure to Prenatally Diagnose Cystic Fibrosis | Firm | Birth Injury |
$695,000 Settlement - Auto Accident Injures Mother & Son | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$675,000 Settlement - Elderly Woman Burned in Shower | Firm | Premises Liability |
$675,000 Settlement - Defective Overhead Door Injures Worker | Firm | Product Liability |
$667,000 Settlement - Construction Worker Injured in Box Fall | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$620,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall | Firm | Premises Liability |
$600,000 Recovery - Untreated Coronary Artery Disease | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$600,000 Settlement - Negligent Prenatal Screening | Firm | Birth Injury |
$600,000 Settlement - Defective Roof Design / SUV Rollover | Firm | Product Liability |
$595,000 Settlement - Defective Roof and Seatbelt Design / SUV Rollover | Firm | Product Liability |
$585,500 Jury Verdict - Child Killed by Intoxicated Driver | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$560,000 Settlement - Premises Liability | Firm | Premises Liability |
$530,000 Settlement - Child Who Died from Undetected Cardiac Condition | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$508,000 Verdict - Machinery Injury | Firm | Product Liability |
$500,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Lung Cancer Case | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Brachial Plexus Birth Injury - Erb's Palsy | Firm | Birth Injury |
$500,000 Settlement - Deli Fire Burns Worker's Hands | Firm | Premises Liability |
$500,000 - Construction Site Accident | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$500,000 Settlement - Lack of Scaffolding at Work Site | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$450,000 Settlement - Failure to Treat Preterm Labor / Medication Error | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$450,000 Settlement - Insurance Dispute | Firm | Personal Injury - General |
$415,000 Settlement - Prenatal Testing / Wrongful Birth | Firm | Birth Injury |
$350,000 Settlement - Finger Amputations | Firm | Product Liability |
$350 Thousand Settlement - MVA | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$325,000 Settlement - Dental Malpractice | Firm | Medical Malpractice |
$300,000 Settlements - Stryker Rejuvenate ABGII Hip Implant | Firm | Defective Medical Device Injuries |
$300,000 Jury Verdict - Slip and Fall at Newark Airport | Firm | Premises Liability |
$247,500 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$245,000 Settlement - Chemical Burns from Hair Color Treatment | Firm | Personal Injury - General |
$235,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$212,500 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$202,500 Settlement - Slip and Fall on Black Ice | Firm | Premises Liability |
$190,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$150,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Work-Related Injury | Firm | Premises Liability |
$150,000 Settlement - Snowstorm Slip and Fall | Firm | Premises Liability |
$137,500 Settlement - Automobile Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$130,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Product Liability | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$101,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident Passenger | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Child's Finger Amputated After Elevator Malfunctions | Firm | Premises Liability |
$100,000 Settlement - ERISA / Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Multi-Car Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$90,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall | Firm | Premises Liability |
$84,500 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$82,500 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$80,000 Settlement - Automobile Accident | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$65,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall on Ice | Firm | Premises Liability |
$55,000 Settlement - Employee Negligence | Firm | Premises Liability |
$50,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | Firm | On The Job Injuries |
$45,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip & Fall | Firm | Premises Liability |
Significant Settlement - Car Accident Injuries | Firm | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
Confidential Settlement - Product Liability / Crush Injuries | Firm | Product Liability |
Confidential Settlement - Gas Explosion | Firm | Premises Liability |
Confidential Settlement - Defective Airbag and Airbag Sensor Design | Firm | Product Liability |
$3.75 Million Settlement - Auto Product Liability / Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$3.75 Million Settlement - Auto Product Liability | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$2,300,000 Settlement - Poorly Designed Airbag | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$2.1 Million Settlement - Faulty Tire Maintenance | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$2 Million Settlement - Brain Injury from Defective SUV and Icy Roadway | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$1.51 Million Settlement - Auto Product Liability | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$1,100,000.00 - Harris Feldman - Medical Malpractice - Failure To Diagnose Myocardial Infarction | Harris Feldman | Medical Malpractice |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Trucking Accident / Dram Shop Claim | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1 Million Settlement - Drunk Driver Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$907,000 Combined Settlement and Verdict - Automobile Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$900,000 Settlement - Automotive Product Defect | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$800,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$750,000 Settlement - Trucking Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Wrongful Death Car Crash | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000.00 - Harris Feldman - Personal Injury - Deck Collapse | Harris Feldman | Personal Injury - General |
$550,000 Settlement - Automotive Product Liability | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$550,000 Settlement - Trucking Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$530,000 Settlement - Auto Product Liability | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$517,500 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Auto Product Liability / Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Product Liability |
$500,000.00 - Harris Feldman - Dog Bite Injury | Harris Feldman | Personal Injury - General |
$470,000 Settlement - Apartment Fire | Harris Feldman | Premises Liability |
$450,000 Settlement - Dram Shop Claim | Harris Feldman | Premises Liability |
$400,000 Settlement - Dram Shop Matter | Harris Feldman | Premises Liability |
$360,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Cardiac Condition | Harris Feldman | Medical Malpractice |
$350,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$330,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Bicycle Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Harris Feldman | Medical Malpractice |
$290,000 Settlement - Moped & Automobile Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$275,000 Settlement - Head-on Collision / Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Cyclist Struck by Motor Vehicle | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Passenger Injuries | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Cancer | Harris Feldman | Medical Malpractice |
$195,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall at Hotel | Harris Feldman | Premises Liability |
$150,000 Settlement - Rear-End Motor Vehicle Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$125,000 Jury Verdict - Automobile Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$115,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$115,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Tractor Trailer Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident Insurance Coverage | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall at Assisted Living Facility | Harris Feldman | Premises Liability |
$95,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Insurance Coverage | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$60,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Dog Bite | Harris Feldman | Premises Liability |
$47,500 Settlement - Pedestrian Accident / Wrongful Death | Harris Feldman | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$4.197 Million Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2,040,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Nerve Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$1,700,000 Settlement - Motorcycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.7 Million Settlement – Motorcycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,220,000 Settlement - Failure to Properly Maintain Roadway / Icy Condition | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,200,000 Settlement - Automobile Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,000,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$981,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$850,000 Settlement - Product Liability | Jeffrey Zenna | Product Liability |
$850,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Improper Placement of Breathing Tube Resulting in Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$775,000.000 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Opioid Prescription Malpractice | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Settlement – Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$725,000.00 Recovery - Medical Malpractice: Brachial Plexus Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$700,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Failure to Diagnose Infection | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$650,000 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$650,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Bicycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$650,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Motorcycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$650,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Parking Lot Trip and Fall Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$645,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$605,000 Settlement / Appellate Division Decision - Unsafe Work Environment / Explosion | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$600,000 Settlement - Head-on Collision / Driver Fell Asleep | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident Pedestrian Knockdown | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$575,000 Settlement - Car Accident / Struck by Construction Vehicle | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$550,000 Settlement - Construction Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$550,000 Recovery - Radial Nerve Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$525,000 Settlement - Damaged Brachial Plexus Nerves | Jeffrey Zenna | Birth Injury |
$500,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown / Blood Clot Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Improper Transfer to a Stretcher | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Failure to Treat or Prevent Compartment Syndrome | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Auto Product Liability | Jeffrey Zenna | Product Liability |
$500,000 Settlement – Tractor-Trailer Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Car Accident with Neck Injury Requiring Surgery | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$495,000 Settlement - Osteomyelitis | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$475,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice / Wrongful Death | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$450,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$425,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Motor Vehicle Accident / Tractor Trailer Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$400,000 Settlement - Icy Road Crash/ Head-on Collision | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$400,000 Settlement - Obstetrician Negligence / Erb's Palsy | Jeffrey Zenna | Birth Injury |
$400,000 Settlement - Failure to Perform Timely C-Section Delivery | Jeffrey Zenna | Birth Injury |
$400,000 Settlement - Defective Stairs | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$400,000 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$395,000 Settlement - Osteomyelitis | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$375,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Truck Accident and Back Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$375,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Truck Accident and Back Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$355,844 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$350,000 Settlement - Obstetric Negligence During Delivery | Jeffrey Zenna | Birth Injury |
$350,000 Settlement - Car Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$350,000 Settlement - Lack of Security / Assault | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$350,000.00 Recovery – Motor Vehicle Accident with Herniated Cervical Discs | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$345,000 Settlement - Unnecessary Deployment of Automobile Airbag | Jeffrey Zenna | Product Liability |
$341,700 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$340,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Pedestrian Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$335,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$325,000.00 Recovery – Motor Vehicle Accident - Neck Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Fractured Hip | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Assault | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Loss of Thumb | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Motorcycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$295,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$285,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$275,000 Settlement - Construction Site Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | On The Job Injuries |
$275,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Auto Accident and Shoulder Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$270,000 Settlement - Postal Worker Driveway Fall | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$270,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$253,000 Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Burns Suffered in Fire | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$250,000 Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Brachial Plexus Palsy | Jeffrey Zenna | Birth Injury |
$250,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall on Ice | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$250,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Bicyclist Struck by Motorist Resulting in a Fractured Leg | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Motor Vehicle Accident and Wrist Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Motorcycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$240,000 Settlement - Soap-Filling Machine | Jeffrey Zenna | Product Liability |
$225,000.00 Settlement – Jeffrey Zenna – Car Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$200,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$200,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna - Sidewalk Slip and Fall Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$175,000 Recovery - Fall at Restaurant | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
$175,000.00 Recovery – Jeffrey Zenna – Motorcycle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$150,000 Recovery - Ski Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Premises Liability |
Six-Figure Confidential Settlement - Medical Product Liability | Jeffrey Zenna | Defective Medical Device Injuries |
Six-Figure Confidential Settlement - Hospital Policy Change | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
Confidential Six-Figure Settlement - Failure to Diagnose a Strangulated Testicle | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000.00 Settlement – Jeffrey Zenna - Medical Malpractice / Failure to Diagnose | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
Confidential Settlement for a Minor - Medical Malpractice / IV Infiltrate | Jeffrey Zenna | Medical Malpractice |
Confidential Settlement - Birth Injury | Jeffrey Zenna | Birth Injury |
Confidential Settlement - Accidental Gun Shooting | Jeffrey Zenna | Personal Injury - General |
Confidential Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Jeffrey Zenna | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$10.5 Million Settlement - Wrongful Death Case | John Blume | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$8 Million Verdict - Medical Mistreatment for Ear Infection / Cerebral Palsy | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$5.9 Million Recovery - Medical Malpractice Wrongful Death Case | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$5 Million Settlement - Brain-Damaged Accountant | John Blume | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$5 Million Settlement - Missing and Misread X-Rays | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$4,125,000 Settlement - Lack Of Security at Shopping Mall | John Blume | Premises Liability |
$4 Million Award - Jaundice Causes Brain Damage | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$3 Million Settlement - Elderly Man Over-Medicated | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$3 Million Settlement - Ignoring Signs of Fetal Distress | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$2.9 Million Settlement - Pediatrician Delayed Emergency Care | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$2.5 Million Settlement - Medication Error in Child with Urea Cycle Disorder | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$2.4 Million Settlement - Infant Medical Malpractice | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$2.4 Million Settlement - Ironworker Paralyzed in Job Site Fall | John Blume | On The Job Injuries |
$2.2 Million Settlement - Pedestrian Hit by Truck | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$2 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Fetal Distress | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1.8 Million Settlement - Delayed Treatment of Meningitis | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1.45 Million Dollar Verdict - Nurses & Aspiration Death | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1.42 Million Settlement - Delay at Hospital / Brain Damage | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1.4 Million Jury Verdict - Perth Amboy Hospital Medical Malpractice | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1.25 Million Settlement - Medical Negligence in Emergency Room | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1.25 Million Settlement - Negligence Causes Brain Damage | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1.2 Million Settlement - Auto Accident Death and Injuries | John Blume | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1 Million Settlement - Adult Cerebral Palsy Victim Collects from Birth Doctor | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Partial Settlement - Failure to Recognize Signs of Meningitis in Infant | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Permanent Disabilities Suffered During Birth | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Dollar Settlement - Bilateral Hip Dysplasia | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million - Cerebral Palsy Caused by Cesarean Section Delay | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Wilson's Disease | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Verdict - Improper Delay in Delivery Leaves Infant Brain Damaged | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Settlement - Pediatric Malpractice | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Anesthesiologist's Malpractice | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Hypoxic Brain Injury at Birth | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Negligence at Birth | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Settlement - Brain-Damaged Infant | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Jury Verdict - Backhoe Bucket Injures Foreman | John Blume | On The Job Injuries |
$975,000 Recovery - Worker Killed in Accident | John Blume | On The Job Injuries |
$950,000 Settlement - Juror Bias in Medical Malpractice Trial | John Blume | Product Liability |
$900,000 Recovery - Failure to Diagnose Hyperbilirubinemia | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$875,000 Settlement - Forceps Delivery Damages Infant's Facial Nerves | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$800,000 Settlement - Car Accident / Wrongful Death | John Blume | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$750,000 Settlement - Surgery Results in Blindness | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$700,000 Jury Verdict - Birth Injury Forceps Misuse Damages Infant's Arm | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$680,000 Settlement - Parsippany Lawyer Dies from Ruptured Aneurysm | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$550,000 Settlement - Shoulder Injury During Birth | John Blume | Birth Injury |
$500,000 Settlement - Dog Bite Victim | John Blume | Premises Liability |
$1.9 Million Settlement - Birth Injury | John Blume | Birth Injury |
Confidential Settlement - Pediatrician Fails to Diagnose Infant's Bacterial Meningitis | John Blume | Medical Malpractice |
$3,250,000 - Motor Vehicle/Trucking Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2,750,000 Jury Verdict - Pedestrian Knockdown | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2.5 Million Settlement During Trial - Pedestrian Injuries | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2.5 Million Settlement - John E. Molinari - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$1,850,000 - Motor Vehicle/Premises Liability Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,624,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Wrongful Death of a Newborn | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,490,000 Settlement - Head On Car Crash | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,295,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,150,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | John Molinari | Personal Injury - General |
$1,100,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Dram Shop | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$1,100,000 Settlement - Failure to Request Identification from Minor | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$1,100,000 Failure to Request Identification from Minor Resulting in Injuries | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$1.1 Million Settlement - New Jersey Turnpike Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$990,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$986,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$975,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle/Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$975,000 Motor Vehicle/Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$950,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$950,000 Premises Liability Accident | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$900,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$900,000 Settlement - Tractor-Trailer Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$764,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Pedestrian Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$761,500 Verdict - Truck Collision | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$750,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$700,000.00 Settlement - Multiple Vehicle Collision | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$675,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Trapped by Bus | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$650,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall on Ice | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$625,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident with Tractor Trailer | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$610,000 Motor Vehicle/Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Passenger Injuries | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Premises Liability | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$550,000 Settlement - Auto Death / Leg Injuries | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$550,000 Settlement - Tractor-Trailer Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$550,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle/Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$525,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Death of Truck Repairman | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Fall Down | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$500,000 Settlement - Premises Liability | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$490,000 Settlement – Rear-End Motor Vehicle Crash | Underinsured Motorist Claim | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$475,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$460,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Cervical Injuries Following Car Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Fatality | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Cervical Injuries | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$425,000 Settlement - Trucking Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$415,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$407,500 Recovery - Car Accident Injuries Caused by Drunk Driver | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$400,000 Settlement - Construction / Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$400,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$400,000 Settlement - Limo Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$385,000 Settlement During Trial - Bus Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$375,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$375,000 - Premises Liability Accident | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$365,000 Settlement - Dangerous Condition on Property | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$350,000 Settlement - Department Store Negligence | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$350,000 Settlement During Trial - Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$350,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$350,000 - Premises Liability Accident | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$350,000 Motor Vehicle/Trucking Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$345,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Disregarded Stop Sign | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$345,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Blume Forte | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$340,000 - Premises Liability | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$335,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$325,000 Settlement - Construction Site Accident / Amputation | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$325,000 Settlement - Car Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$325,000 Settlement - Negligent Supervision | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$325,000 Settlement - Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$312,000 Settlement - Infant Burned by Exposed Heating Pipe | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$310,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip and Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$310,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Passenger Wrongful Death | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Dog Bite | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Car Accident / Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Negligent Supervision / Assault | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Fall-Down Accident | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Motor Vehicle Accident/Underinsured Motorist Claim | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Motor Vehicle/Trucking Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$295,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$292,500 Settlement - Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$290,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$290,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Rear-End Collision | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$275,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip and Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$275,000 Settlement - Bus Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$275,000 Settlement – Motor Vehicle Accident | Underinsured Motorist Claim | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$269,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$265,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident with Truck | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$265,000 Settlement - Infection from Beauty Salon | John Molinari | Personal Injury - General |
$255,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Motorcycle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Wrongful Death | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Rear Collision | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident with Truck | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip & Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$250,000 Settlement - Construction Accident | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$250,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Slip & Fall | John Molinari | On The Job Injuries |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Tractor-Trailer Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,00 Settlement - Uninsured Motorist Claim | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 - Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Motor Vehicle Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Bicycle / Truck Accident | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$235,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$225,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall on Ice | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$225,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip and Fall | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$175,000 Settlement - Inadequate Premises Security | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$165,000 Jury Verdict - Inadequate Security Resulting in a Stabbing | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
New Jersey Supreme Court Ruling - Uninsured Motorist Claim | John Molinari | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
Confidential Settlement - Inadequate Security | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
NJ Legislature Changes The Law - John Molinari - Infant Burn Injury And Premises Liability Lawsuit | John Molinari | Premises Liability |
$4,000,000.00 Settlement - Wrongful Death / Medical Malpractice | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$2,500,000.00 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Intersection Accident / Wrongful Death | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2,000,000 Settlement - Negligent Ambulance & Emergency Treatment | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$1.95 Million Settlement - Machinery Accident & Crushed Arm | Kenneth Elwood | On The Job Injuries |
Ken Elwood Obtains $1.95 Million Work Injury Settlement | Kenneth Elwood | On The Job Injuries |
$1.85 Million Settlement - Head-on Motor Vehicle Collision | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,800,000 Verdict - Plaintiff Struck And Killed | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,775,000 Settlement - Unsafe Workplace/Workplace Accident | Kenneth Elwood | On The Job Injuries |
$1,375,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,300,000.00 Settlement - Premises Negligence | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$1,275,000 Settlement - Wrongful Death / Post-Procedure Bleeding | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$1,240,000 Settlement - Auto/Pedestrian Death Case | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.185 Million Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.1 Million Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident at Gas Station | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Bacterial Endocarditis Resulting in Stroke | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Jury Verdict - Wrongful Birth | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$990,000 Settlement - Auto Injuries | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$925,000 Settlement - Personal Injury Case | Kenneth Elwood | Personal Injury - General |
$916,000 Settlement - Unsafe Workplace / Wrongful Death | Kenneth Elwood | On The Job Injuries |
$890,000 Recovery - Construction Site Accident | Kenneth Elwood | On The Job Injuries |
$885,000 Settlement - Construction Worker Injured on Mobile Platform | Kenneth Elwood | Product Liability |
$700,000 Settlement - Elevator Accident (In the Wake of Hurricane Sandy) | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$614,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2,500,000.00 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Intersection Accident / Wrongful Death | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle/Tractor Trailer Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$600,000 Settlement - Delay in Diagnosis of Colon Cancer | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$600,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Cancer | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$550,000 Settlement - Nursing Home Negligence | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$539,000 Jury Verdict - Negligent Delivery of Scissor Lift Machine | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$500,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Multi-Vehicle Automobile Accident Resulting in Death | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Rear-End Car Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$500,000 Settlement - Law Enforcement Negligence / Slip & Fall | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$500,000 Settlement - Fatal Burns | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$500,000 Settlement - Nursing Home Neglect | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$492,500 Settlement - Injured Motorcyclist | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$485,000 Settlement - Product Liability | Kenneth Elwood | Product Liability |
$475,000 Settlement - Bicycle / Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Cardiac Disease | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$450 Thousand - Premises Liability | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$445,000 Settlement - Hot Coffee Burns Infant | Kenneth Elwood | Personal Injury - General |
$440,000 Settlement - Hazardous Condition / Broken Door | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$400,000 Settlement - Bicyclist Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$375,000 Settlement - Nursing Home Negligence | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$350,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$340,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$340,000 Settlement - Legal Malpractice | Kenneth Elwood | Legal Malpractice |
$325,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall on Ice | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement (Full Policy Limit) - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Nursing Home Negligence / Fractured Hip | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$299,500 Settlement - Premises Liability | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$295,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Dog Bite | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$285,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown / UM/UIM Dispute | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$285,000 Settlement - Maritime Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Personal Injury - General |
$275,000 Settlement - Trip and Fall at a Restaurant | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$270,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall on Ice | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$265,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall on Ice | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$250,000 - Partial Settlement / Appeal - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Nursing Home Malpractice | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Utility Truck | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Intersection | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$83,000 Jury Verdict - Doubles Settlement Offer in Auto Accident Case | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1.185 Million - Kenneth Elwood - Motor Vehicle Accident | Kenneth Elwood | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
Appellate Ruling - Roller Rink Can Be Sued | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
Confidential Settlement - Premises Liability | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
Confidential Settlement - Failure to Diagnose | Kenneth Elwood | Medical Malpractice |
Sky Zone Unable to Enforce an Arbitration Agreement Without Mom's Signature - Ken Elwood | Kenneth Elwood | Premises Liability |
$7.346 Million Verdict - Construction Accident | Michael Zerres | On The Job Injuries |
$7 Million Settlement - Recreational Accident Resulting in Traumatic Brain Injury | Michael Zerres | Personal Injury - General |
$6,000,000 Settlement - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$5.375 Million - Birth Injury Settlement - Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$5 Million Settlement - Wrongful Death | Michael Zerres | Personal Injury - General |
$4 Million Settlement - Inadequate Resuscitation at Birth | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$4 Million Verdict - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$3.35 Million Recovery - Infant with Brain Injury Following Mother's Eclampsia | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$3,250,000 Settlement - Paraplegia Caused by Epidural Hematoma | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$3.25 Million Settlement – Michael Zerres - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$3.2 Million Verdict - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$3,000,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Subarachnoid Hemorrhage | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$2.85 Million Settlement - Ice Hockey Accident Results in Paraplegia Injury | Michael Zerres | Premises Liability |
$2.85 Million Settlement - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$2.1 Million Recovery – Michael Zerres - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$2.05 Million Settlement - Inadequate Anesthesia Care | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$2.025 Million Jury Verdict - Misdiagnosed Aortic Dissection | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$2.025 Million Jury Verdict - Missed Diagnosis of Heart Condition | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$2 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose and Treat Hypoglycemia | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$2 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Cancer in a Teen | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,800,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice / Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$1.8 Million - Michael Zerres - Medical Malpractice - Delay in Breast Cancer Diagnosis | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.75 Million Settlement - Infant Wrongful Death | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice Following Spinal Injury | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,500,000 Recovery - Birth Injury / Developmental Disabilities | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$1.5 Million Verdict - Failure to Timely Diagnose Colon Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Death Following Spinal Injury | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.5 Million Settlement - Delay in Reporting Fetal Abnormality | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.5 Million Recovery – Michael Zerres - Delay in Diagnosing Breast Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,475,000 Recovery - Prematurely Born Twins Settle Their Case | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,420,000 Recovery - Failure to Follow Up on Doctor's Instructions | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,412,500 Settlement - Late Diagnosed Viral Herpes Meningitis | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.385 Million Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Acute Transverse Myelitis | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.25 Million Recovery - Failure to Timely Diagnose Lung Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.25 Million Recovery - Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$1,250,000 - Failure to Diagnose Colon Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.2 Million Recovery - Failure to Perform Autopsy | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1.2 Million Verdict - Unnecessary Thyroid Surgery | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1,175,000.00 Settlement – Michael Zerres - Birth Injury - Erb’s Palsy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$1,175,000.00 Settlement – Michael Zerres - Premises Liability - Ruptured Globe Injury To Eye | Michael Zerres | Premises Liability |
$1.15 Million Settlement - Neurosurgeon Causes Death of Patient | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Shoulder Dystocia and Birth Asphyxia | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$1 Million Settlement for Failure to Timely Diagnose Cerebral Aneurysm | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Misdiagnosis of Ovarian Cyst Tissues as Benign | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Brain Hemorrhage Misdiagnosed | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Wrongful Death Following Anesthesia Error | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Recovery - Failure to Monitor Post-Operative Patient After Pain Medication Given | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Recovery - Death of Adult at Group Home | Michael Zerres | Personal Injury - General |
$1 Million - Michael Zerres - Medical Malpractice - Foot Drop Following Orthopedic Surgery | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$990,000 Settlement - Partial Loss of Vision in One Eye | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$975,000 Recovery - Delay in Diagnosis of Lung Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$950,000 Settlement - Wrongful Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$950,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Chest Wall Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$950,000 Recovery - Unnecessary Cardiac Surgery | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$900,000 Recovery - Doctor Struck by Hospital Door | Michael Zerres | Premises Liability |
$850,000 Recovery - Late Diagnosed Infantile Spasms | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Infant with Developmental/Language Delay Due to Misuse of Pitocin | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Botched Cholecystectomy | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Kidney Disease | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$775,000 Settlement - Automotive Product Liability / Burn Injury | Michael Zerres | Product Liability |
$775,000 Recovery - Failure to Diagnose Rectal Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$770,000 Recovery - Unnecessary Spine Surgery | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Recovery - Failure to Diagnose Lung Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Intubate | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Recovery - Motor Vehicle Accident / Fractured Leg | Michael Zerres | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$750,000 Settlement - Failure to Order PSA | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$750,000 Recovery - Death From Delay in Treating Bacterial Meningitis | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$749,000 Recovery - Low Back Injury from Motor Vehicle Accident | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$737,500 Recovery - Failure to Timely Diagnose Liver Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$725,000 Jury Award - Unnecessary Foot Surgery | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$700,000 and $675,000 Settlements - Erb's Palsy Injury to Newborn After Shoulder Dystocia | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$700,000 Settlement - Late Bypass Surgery Complication | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$700,000 Settlement - Brachial Plexus Birth Injury | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$700,000.00 Settlement – Michael Zerres - Podiatry Malpractice | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$675,000 & $630,000 Settlements - Erb's Palsy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$660,000 Settlement - Death of Patient Following Kidney Transplant | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$650,000 Recovery - Erb's Palsy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$650,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Oral Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$650,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$625,000 Recovery - Mismanaged Shoulder Dystocia / Erb's Palsy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$600,000 Settlement - Improperly Placed Spinal Fusion Screws | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$600,000 Recovery - Bicycle Defect | Michael Zerres | Product Liability |
$575,000 Mississippi Recovery - Erb' s Palsy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$562,500 Settlement - Parents of Stillborn Girl | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$550,000 Settlement - Loss of a Fetus During Surgery | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$535,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in an Infant | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$535,000 Settlement - Undetected Breech Position Delays Infant's Delivery | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$500,000 Settlement - Death Following a Liver Biopsy | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Recovery - Failure to Diagnose Eagle-Barrett Syndrome During Pregnancy | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$500,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Esophageal Cancer | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Late Diagnosis of Developmental Hip Dysplasia (DDH) | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Kidney Disease | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$500,000 Settlement - Death of Newborn | Michael Zerres | Birth Injury |
$500,000 Verdict - Podiatry Malpractice | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$475,000 Settlement - Shortened Toes / Implant Failure | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$450,000 Settlement - Unnecessary Surgery / Cancer Misdiagnosis | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$450,000 Settlement to Estate - Doctor Gives Diet Pills for Heart Problem | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$425,000 Verdict - Delay in Death Notification | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$312,500 Total Recovery - Turnpike Bus Accident | Michael Zerres | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$275,000 Verdict - Auto Injuries | Michael Zerres | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
Case Resolution - Patient's Death Results in New Law | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
NJ Appeals Court - Gun Control and Racial Discrimination Issues Won on Appeal | Michael Zerres | Medical Malpractice |
$46.7 Million Verdict - Toxic Exposure | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$5,424,000 Jury Verdict - Failure to Properly Maintain Guardrail | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2.4 Million - Mitchell Makowicz - Workplace Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | On The Job Injuries |
$2.1 Million Settlement - Medication Error | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$1,750,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Post-Operative Bleeding | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$1,579,000.00 - Mitchell Makowicz - Medical Malpractice and Wrongful Death | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$1,400,000 Settlement - Bausch & Lomb Eye Care / Contact Lens Products | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Product Liability |
$1.38 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$1,175,000 Million Settlement - Labor & Delivery Negligence | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Birth Injury |
$1,165,250 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Intracranial Bleed | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$1,100,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Jury Verdict - Wrongful Birth | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$983 Thousand Settlement - Truck Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$825,000 Verdict - Fall from Second Floor of Apartment Complex | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$825,000 Verdict - Fall from a Balcony (Affirmed by Appellate Division) | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$825,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose a Postoperative "Leak" After Gastric Bypass Revision Surgery | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$800,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$781,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall Injuries | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$775,000 Settlement - Propane Explosion | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$750,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Osteosarcoma (Cancer) | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$620,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice Following Auto Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$600,000 Settlement - Failure to Perform Colon Cancer Screenings | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$600,000 Settlement - Failure to Monitor Elderly Patient at Rehabilitation Facility | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$575,000 Settlement - Medication Error | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$550,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$541,000 Settlement - Automobile Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$480,000 Recovery - Defective Product / Medical Scooter | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Product Liability |
$475,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip & Fall | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$475,000 Settlement - Improper Management of Infant's Delivery | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Birth Injury |
$450,000 Settlement - Fall in Mall Parking Lot | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$395,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$395,000 Settlement - Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury / Erb's Palsy | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Birth Injury |
$385,000 Settlement - Improper Nursing Care | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$375,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Slip & Fall | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$350,000 Recovery - Defective Loading-Unloading System | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Product Liability |
$350,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle/Truck Accident | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$348,000 Settlement - Negligently Performed Physical Therapy | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$325,000 Jury Verdict - Hospital Misses Diagnosis | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$310,000 Settlement - Automobile Accident Injuries | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Fall at Football Facility | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Obstetric Brachial Plexus Injury / Erb's Palsy | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Birth Injury |
$299,000 Verdict - Ear Surgery | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$290,000 Settlement - Fatal Slip & Fall | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$275,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident on Snowy Road | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$275,000 Settlement - Emergency Room Negligence / Testicular Torsion | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$275,000 Settlement - Crush Injury to Foot | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | On The Job Injuries |
$275,000 Settlement - Medical Malpractice | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$274,000 Settlement - Emergency Room Negligence / Necrotizing Fasciitis | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$266,000 Settlement - Slip and Fall | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$250,000 Settlement - Failure to Timely Diagnose Breast Cancer | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Medical Malpractice |
$250,000 Settlement - Failure to Perform a Timely C-Section | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Birth Injury |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle / Pedestrian Knockdown | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$235,000 Settlement - Environmental Exposure / Aspergilis | Mitchell Makowicz Jr. | Premises Liability |
$650,000 Settlement - Tow Truck/Pedestrian Knockdown | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$497,500 Settlement - Pedestrian Accident | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$435,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning | Richard Villanova | Premises Liability |
$410,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning | Richard Villanova | Premises Liability |
$397,300 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$350,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning | Richard Villanova | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Head-on Collision / Cervical Spine Injury | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$300,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Head-On Collision | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Lead Poisoning | Richard Villanova | Premises Liability |
$240,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$225,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Lead Poisoning | Richard Villanova | Premises Liability |
$200,000 Settlement - Policy Limits Paid for Death by Auto | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$200,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Left-Turn Crash | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$58,000 Jury Verdict - Slip and Fall on Ice | Richard Villanova | Premises Liability |
$25,000 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Richard Villanova | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$9.6 Million Jury Verdict - Brain Damaged Child | Ronald Goldfaden | Birth Injury |
$4,750,000 Confidential Settlement - Labor & Delivery Negligence | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$4.625 Million - Wrongful Death Settlement | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$3.9 Million Settlement - Police Chase / Injures Three Pedestrians | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$2.2 Million Settlement - Transit Passenger Injured in Fall from Train | Ronald Goldfaden | Premises Liability |
$1.5 Million Settlement - Injured Pedestrian | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,500,000 Settlement - Failure to Diagnose Prostate Cancer | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$1,392,000 Jury Verdict - Motor Vehicle Accident | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1,200,000 Settlement - Preventable Hematoma | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$1.189 Million Settlement - Motorcyclist Killed in Crash | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1 Million Settlement - Man Injured in Traffic Accident | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$1 Million Settlement - Failure of Doctor to Recommend Colonoscopy | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$1 Million Settlement - Surgical Negligence Leading to Blood Clots | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$850,000 Recovery - Dog Bite Injury | Ronald Goldfaden | Premises Liability |
$800,000 Settlement - "Degloving" Injury | Ronald Goldfaden | Product Liability |
$750,000 Settlement - Defective Roller Blades | Ronald Goldfaden | Product Liability |
$750,000 Settlement - Premises Liability / Train Accident | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$750,000 Settlement - Auto Accident | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$650,000 Settlement - Man Injured in Auto Collision | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$556,500 in Motorcycle Collision - Precedent-Setting Monthly Payout for Case Adjournment | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$542,000 Settlement - Truck Accident / Tractor-Trailer Death | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown / Teen Injured | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$450,000 Settlement - Back Surgery Follow-Up Was Negligent | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$355,000 Settlement - Construction Worker Injured When Stairs Collapsed | Ronald Goldfaden | On The Job Injuries |
$335,000 Settlement - Construction Accident / Wrongful Death | Ronald Goldfaden | On The Job Injuries |
$300,000 Settlement - Pedestrian Knockdown / Crosswalk Accident | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Slip & Fall / Icy Parking Lot | Ronald Goldfaden | Premises Liability |
$250,000 Settlement - Motor Vehicle Accident / Rear-End Collision | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Medication Error in Hospital | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$245,000 Settlement - Negligently Performed LASIK Procedure | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
$210,000 Settlement - Attorney Injured in Drunk Driving Accident | Ronald Goldfaden | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$200,000 Settlement - Podiatrist Negligence Delays Cancer Diagnosis | Ronald Goldfaden | Medical Malpractice |
Confidential Settlement - College Dorm Fire / Seton Hall | Ronald Goldfaden | Premises Liability |
$300,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Motor Vehicle Accident | Terrence Hull | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$250,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Burn Injuries | Terrence Hull | Personal Injury - General |
$200,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Emotional Distress Damages | Terrence Hull | Premises Liability |
$175,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Premises Injury | Terrence Hull | Premises Liability |
$120,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Motor Vehicle Accident | Terrence Hull | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$115,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Motor Vehicle Accident | Terrence Hull | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Motor Vehicle Accident | Terrence Hull | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Slip and Fall Accident | Terrence Hull | Premises Liability |
$100,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Motor Vehicle Accident | Terrence Hull | Motor Vehicle Accidents |
$100,000 Settlement - Terrence J. Hull - Underinsured Motor Vehicle Accident | Terrence Hull | Motor Vehicle Accidents |