New research is linking the antidepressant bupropion found in Wellbutrin and similar medications to heart defects in infants. Taking Wellbutrin, which contains bupropion, while pregnant, may increase the baby’s chance of being born with a specific type of heart defect, studies show. According to a Reuters news report, Wellbutrin affects two out of every 1,000 infants born by women who take bupropion in their third trimester. The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology originally addressed this potential danger.
While research regarding antidepressants causing birth defects is relatively new, it is clear that prescription for these and many other types of medication provided by doctors can impact a developing fetus’ health. It is the responsibility of doctors, nurses and pharmacists to carefully monitor their patients and to determine if a particular medication is contraindicated in pregnancy (especially if the expectant mother is taking any other medications), and to keep abreast of the latest medical studies regarding proper use of medications and drug interactions. In addition to knowing a patient’s medical history and drug allergies, your healthcare provider should also be aware of the possible side effects of the drugs that they prescribe. In addition, pharmaceutical manufacturers may be liable for damages caused by their medications if the drugs were not sufficiently tested, or, if the manufacturers did not properly warn the general public and healthcare community of the risks of taking the drugs.
If you have been taking Wellbutrin, another antidepressant, or any medication during pregnancy, and your child was born with a heart defect or some other condition related to that medication, you may be able to recover compensation for injuries sustained by you and your child. Potential medical malpractice and/or product liability cases may be brought against doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and drug manufacturers when a patient’s injury is causally connected to their negligence or wrongdoing.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice, contact the New Jersey medical negligence lawyers at Blume Forte. We always offer no-cost consultations. Call 973-845-4421 to discuss your potential claim with one of our attorneys today.