Firm Blog

Drunk Driving Accidents on the Rise in Winter (Here’s How to Stay Safe)

For many, the holiday season means getting together with co-workers, friends, and family. The holidays are often filled with office parties, family gatherings and dinners, or dinner and drinks with friends. However, because alcohol is usually a feature of holiday gatherings, the winter often means an increase in the rate of drunk driving accidents. Here’s
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How to Avoid Accidents in the Snow This Winter Season

The winter season means new road hazards for drivers, including black ice, snow, and slush. It is critical for drivers to know what steps they need to take to help reduce their risks of getting into a car accident due to snow and other winter weather.  Prep Your Vehicle for Winter At the start of
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Steps to Take After a Shopping Mall Slip and Fall Injury 

Shopping malls are one of the most frequent locations for slip and fall or trip and fall accidents. Because they have so much foot traffic, shopping malls can be filled with many slipping or tripping hazards, which can injure visitors if not found and remedied in a reasonable amount of time. If you suffer a
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Can I File a Personal Injury Claim for My Child? 

Accidents can happen to people of all ages, including children. While many child injuries are the result of accidents, sometimes children are injured because of the negligence or legal fault of another party. When this occurs, an injured child has the same legal right to compensation as an adult would have following an accident. However,
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