Firm Blog

Jersey City Man in Critical Condition Following Pit Bull Attack

When a dog barks, snaps, or lunges at you, it can be pretty frightening. Especially when the dog involved is large and muscular, for example, a pit bull.  An attack by any canine can be traumatizing, and may leave the victim with life-threatening injuries, and/or those which may permanently disfigure. A Jersey City, New Jersey
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Newer New Jersey Homes Equal Greater Fire Risk

If you’ve recently taken a drive through Jersey City or along the coast, you probably couldn’t help but notice a voluminous amount of residential construction taking place or advertised. New homes, condos, and apartment buildings seem to sprouting up all over the State of New Jersey locations. Many of these new structures, whether traditionally stick framed or
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Drunken New Jersey Cop Arrested for Rear-Ending Car

Drinking while on the job is never a good idea. This is especially true if you are a New Jersey State police officer working a traffic detail. But that is exactly what happened last week, when a police sergeant who was drinking in his vehicle rear-ended another vehicle at a Wall Township rest stop. As initially
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New Jersey Nurse Accused of Reusing Syringes on Dozens

The New Jersey Department of Health and the West Windsor Township Health Department are investigating an incident of reused syringes at an area clinic.  Over 60 different people are thought to be in danger. The nursing malpractice incident began September 30th of this year at Otsuka Pharmaceuticals. According to a Washington Post report, a nurse contracted by health care provider
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New Jersey Laundry Company Penalized for Safety Violations

In November of 2011, a 24-year old man had just begun his nightly shift at the Prestige Laundry Company when the line he was working on broke down. A conveyor-belt like device, known as a shuttle, stopped moving dirty towels and was backing up production. To get things moving, the young man climbed into the machine
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