If you’ve lived in New Jersey during the transition from winter to spring, you know how easy it is to lose your footing just about anywhere. Slick snowy conditions eventually give way to a wet thawing situations, giving pedestrians little time to catch their breath. Snow banks remain piled up in the most inconvenient of
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Firm Blog
Top Causes of New Jersey Wrongful Death
While most people have heard of wrongful death, most have never experienced it first hand. But cases of wrongful death impact people and their families across the country every year. The Center For Disease Control (CDC) estimates that over 130,000 people will suffer unintentional injuries and die this year. While a large majority of these accidents are just
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How an Affidavit of Merit Impacts a New Jersey Medical Malpractice Case
If you’ve been a victim of malpractice, the ramifications may be clear to you by virtue of the injuries you sustain. However, knowing you sustained an injury and proving that it was due to medical negligence are two different things. In New Jersey, in order to proceed with a medical malpractice claim, your legal team
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Clinton Woman Attacked by Dog
A Clinton woman suffered puncture wounds to her forearm when a dog attacked her as she walked past its yard. The incident took place in the Montaine Place neighborhood. A woman was walking her dog when white shepherd dog came charging out of a nearby yard and attacked. The victim was able to pick her
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Somers Point Hospital Staffer Charged with Drug Tampering and Theft
When you are admitted to the hospital with serious injuries and extreme pain, you expect to be cared for safely. You and your family have every reason to believe that the hospital personnel will provide you with medications to relieve your pain. Medications can be life saving. But, they’re also still drugs and get stolen.
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