Firm Blog

New Jersey Accidents and Medical Mismanagement Which Can Lead to Amputations

The thought of suffering an accident that leads to the amputation of a digit or limb is understandably frightening, and hopefully something you will never experience. Unfortunately, such amputation accidents, or accidents involving injuries which ultimately progress to medical conditions mandating amputations to protect a patient’s health are common. THE NATIONAL AMPUTEE COALITION NOTES: • There
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Leading Causes of New Jersey Construction Accident Wrongful Death Claims

Construction sites are hazardous environments for workers.  Statistics show that fatalities are more common in construction than in most other industries.  There are numerous factors which make construction workers particularly vulnerable to potentially severe injury or death. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has created several regulations to try and prevent the injury and
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Broken Bone Injuries Suffered in New Jersey Bus Accidents

Broken bones are one of the most common injuries people experience after being involved in a New Jersey bus accident. Though not generally an immediately life-threatening injury, broken bones can result in debilitating conditions affecting a person’s daily function, abilities and activities. An injured party may have a long road to recovery in front of
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The Misdiagnosis – Why Heart Attacks in New Jersey Women Are Missed

Unfortunately, while we’ve all been living in the 21st century for nearly two decades, many still view men in society as the torchbearers for cardiac arrest. How often do we see a commercial, a television episode, or a movie in which a man clutches his chest and suffers a heart attack? Almost every time. But
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The Zika Virus – What It Could Mean for Pregnant Workers

Over the past few months, health officials around the globe have been sounding the alarm about the Zika virus. Originally discovered in 1947 in the Zika forest of Uganda, the virus is contracted through mosquito bites and thrives in tropical areas. While the Zika virus itself is not deadly, it can lead to severe complications
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