We all put our faith in medical providers to give the best care they can. Even when they do, sometimes, things turn out poorly through no fault of theirs. However, when medical professionals fail to make reasonable decisions, or miss things, or mistreat someone, the results can be very bad – deadly, in fact. That’s
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Firm Blog
The Price of a Rolling Stop?
You’re driving down a New Jersey road and you see a stop sign up ahead. You slow down, look both ways and, seeing no one, continue through the intersection. Behind you, lights and sirens. Why? What you have just done is known as a “rolling stop”—and in New Jersey, it is illegal. New Jersey law
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How Dangerous Is Street Racing?
Hollywood has glamorized street racing, and the reality is that this dangerous and illegal pastime has become a risky hobby for some New Jersey drivers. When you consider the typical ages and mindset of these drivers, it is easy to see that the adrenaline rush masks the very real dangers involved—not only to the drivers, but
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What If a Family Member Hits Me with a Car?
Dealing with the aftermath of an automobile accident is complicated enough without the added stress when the cause of the accident is another family member. If someone in your household hits your property (or you) with a vehicle, what happens? Accidents Happen, Even in the Best Families Assuming you have coverage for your household automobiles,
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Nurse Arrested for Sexual Abuse – Is Your Senior Safe?
Your beloved family member has been admitted to the hospital because of an illness. You put your trust and faith in the team of medical professionals who are responsible for her care. If you discover that your trust has been breached and your loved one has experienced an assault, it can be devastating. For a
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