Firm Blog

Rideshare Accidents in NJ: Who Pays When an Uber or Lyft Ride Goes Wrong?

The convenience of rideshare services like Uber and Lyft has revolutionized transportation in New Jersey, providing residents and visitors with an easy way to get around. However, the growing number of rideshare vehicles on the road has also led to an increase in rideshare accidents. When these accidents occur, determining who is financially responsible can
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Winter Safety Tips to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents in NJ

Winter in New Jersey brings beautiful snowy landscapes, but it also poses serious hazards for pedestrians. Slip and fall accidents increase significantly during the colder months, especially in areas prone to snow and ice accumulation. If you’re navigating New Jersey’s winter weather, understanding how to stay safe and what to do after a slip and
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Celebrating Jeffrey Zenna: Re-Certified as a NJ Certified Civil Trial Attorney

Congratulations to Jeffrey Zenna on being re-certified by the NJ Supreme Court as a Certified Civil Trial Attorney! This designation, held by only 2% of attorneys in New Jersey, reflects his exceptional experience, education, knowledge, and skill in personal injury and medical malpractice law. Mr. Zenna has been named to the NJ Super lawyers List for the
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