An ABC News article reports that a new DNA test has been created to test parents and identify if they are carriers of any of 580 of the most serious inherited childhood diseases. It may be shocking to some to learn that the average person carries at least two to three gene mutations that can cause various
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Firm Blog
NJ-Based PDR Network Addresses Medical Malpractice Threat of Physician Failure to Recognize Drug Label Changes
Patients rely on prescription and over-the-counter medications to treat a wide range of medical conditions. These drugs are often prescribed by a doctor. The labeling on pharmaceutical products is expected to provide accurate information to both the patient and healthcare provider about dosage, side effects, and instruction as to how the drug should be taken
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New Study Suggests Higher Rate of Fatal Events When Avastin and Chemotherapy Used Together
The timely and accurate diagnosis of cancer is essential in ensuring a patient receives the proper treatment as well as the best chance at survival. Even when cancer is accurately and timely diagnosed, medical professionals are responsible for ensuring patients receive the proper medications which pose the least danger to their health. The Wall Street
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Fuel Malfunction Prompts Emergency Plane Landing on New Jersey Highway
The Daily Record reports that a plane was forced to make an emergency landing on Interstate 80 in New Jersey recently because of a mechanical problem. According to the article, the plane, a single-engine Cessna, is owned by the federal government and was being used for local homeland security training. Around 2:30 p.m., a fuel line
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Wrong-Site Surgery and Wrong Procedure Concerns Highlighted by Incorrect Operation on Woman’s Left Hand
A 65-year-old woman diagnosed with idiopathic trigger finger underwent surgery only to have the wrong procedure performed. A New England Journal of Medicine article discusses the circumstances surrounding the surgeon’s account of how carpal-tunnel release surgery was performed by accident instead of the correct operation for a trigger-finger release. The article also addresses initiatives that have been
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