Firm Blog

The Importance of Properly Diagnosing Cancer in Pregnant Women

A recent Huffington Post article discusses several important factors regarding pregnant women and cancer. It tells the story of one pregnant woman whose primary care doctor informed her that the small, hard mass she felt in her breast was most likely a blocked milk duct. However, when the lump proceeded to grow five months into her pregnancy,
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$2,750,000 Settlement for Failure to Perform Timely C-Section, Birth Injury Case

Lawyer Kenneth Berkowitz of the New Jersey law firm Blume Forte obtained a 2.75 million dollar settlement in a birth injury case involving an infant who suffered brain damage causing spastic quadriparesis after a hypoxic injury (lack of oxygen) during labor and delivery. When the infant’s mother arrived at the hospital, she had irregular contractions
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Recent Study Confirms Work Injury Trend for Older Workers

A new study appearing in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) focuses on the occupational safety issues and injuries which affect older workers. The study found that although the rates for all injuries and illnesses were similar or lower when compared to younger workers, older workers required
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