Firm Blog

New Jersey the First State to Mandate Newborn Congenital Heart Disease Screening

On Thursday, June 2, 2011, New Jersey enacted new legislation (#A3744/S2752) mandating that every newborn in New Jersey be required to undergo congenital heart disease screening. The pulse oximetry test, or “pulse ox,” painlessly and non-invasively measures the percentage of oxygen in the newborn’s blood; and therefore is an indicator of how effectively the newborn’s
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Fatal New Jersey Trench Collapse Accident in Knowlton Township

A man was killed in a New Jersey trench accident when the trench he was working in collapsed around him. According to The Express Times, the trench was being dug for residential sewer work. Knowlton, New Jersey Fire & Rescue personnel arrived on the scene and performed CPR on the victim while he was being transported
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10 Residents of Jersey City Building Suffer Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Exposure

Six adults and four children who are residents of a building in Jersey City were taken to the hospital after experiencing symptoms of carbon monoxide (CO) exposure. According to The Jersey Journal, residents suffered dizziness, wooziness and other symptoms relating to being exposed to high amounts of carbon monoxide. Residents reportedly heard carbon monoxide alarms go
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