The Zika Virus – What It Could Mean for Pregnant Workers

Over the past few months, health officials around the globe have been sounding the alarm about the Zika virus. Originally discovered in 1947 in the Zika forest of Uganda, the virus is contracted through mosquito bites and thrives in tropical areas. While the Zika virus itself is not deadly, it can lead to severe complications
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Common Birth Injuries Associated with Medical Negligence

Patients depend on doctors and nurses to provide exemplary care which comports with the standards of care accepted within the medical community. This premise also applies to the health and care of a pregnant mother and fetus prior to birth, and a baby at the time of labor and delivery. Providing care within the following standards
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Women Warned About Risks of Birth Defects from Opioid Painkillers

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), opioid painkillers double the risk of birth defects in pregnant women – an alarming fact considering that more and more women, ages 15 to 44, are being prescribed narcotic painkillers in the United States. In a recent study, the CDC found that roughly 39
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Types of Cerebral Palsy That Can Affect Your Child

Generally, the word “cerebral” refers to portions of the brain, and “palsy” means compromised condition or weakness of muscles. Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by injuries to those portions of the brain which control muscle movement. These brain injuries may occur during labor, delivery or after birth when care is mismanaged or contraindicated. Three types of
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What Types of Birth Injuries Lead to Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to a number of different neurological disorders that affect muscle coordination and body movement. It is a very serious condition that can result from negligent care and treatment causing brain injuries sustained during pregnancy, labor and/or delivery. There are a number of different types of CP affecting various fine and gross
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